Best Coach Training Programs

First, what is a professional coach? The (ICF) - the leading global coaching organization and professional association for coaches - defines coaching as 'partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.' Second, who's using coaches? In a 2009 study of the industry by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), they found that coaching was used by 90% of organizations surveyed and that even in the economic downturn, 70% report that they are increasing or maintaining their commitment to coaching.

Coaching is clearly popular, but what does a professional coach do? Trending News.As with any growing profession, there can be a lot of confusion.

To help distinguish fact from fiction, click through the pages to read the top 10 personal coaching myths.Top 10 Professional MythsMyth #1: Life coaches are professionals who can help you achieve your goals.Fact: Some, but certainly not all coaches are professionals who can help you reach your goals. One of the problems in the coaching industry is that anyone can call themselves a professional coach, life coach, personal coach, etc. Jennifer Corbin, the president of one of the largest and oldest coach training organizations in the world, has said, 'Technically, anyone can hang up a shingle as coaching is not regulated.

Many people 'coaching' have no idea what coaching is as they haven't been trained or haven't been coached by a professionally trained and credentialed coach. There are 'schools' that will offer a credential after three hours of training and people read a book or watch a TV program and decide 'I'm a coach!' ' As a result, the quality of coaches vary dramatically. I strongly suggest working with a coach that has been accredited by the (ICF). The ICF provides independent certification that is the benchmark for the professional coaching industry.Myth 2: Executive coaching is a nice employment perk.Fact: Coaching is as much a perk to your employees as are their computers. Employees may view coaching as a value added benefit, but the successful organizations see coaching as something much more than a perk. Done right, professional coaching can drive sales, employee engagement, creativity, workplace satisfaction, and bottom line results.

Wellness programs have been shown to provide approximately a 300% return on investment (ROI). In other words, companies who spend $1 in a wellness program (e.g., exercise clubs, personal trainers, smoking cessation workshops) earn $3 as a result of decreased turnover, fewer sick days, reduced health insurance costs, etc. It's no wonder wellness programs have experienced such tremendous growth - it makes financial sense. The is even more astonishing.

According to a Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 100 executives, the Economic Times reports 'coaching resulted in a ROI of almost six times the program cost as well as a 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality.' Additionally, a study of Fortune 500 telecommunications companies by MatrixGlobal found executive coaching resulted in a 529% ROI. The CIPD concludes 'coaching is not just perceived as a nice-to-have intervention.' Myth 3: Personal coaches can only help you reach personal goals / Professional coaches can only help you reach business goals.Fact: A good coach is someone who is an expert at helping others create positive change in their lives. For some clients, the positive change they most want may be focused on personal goals such as relationships, time management, work-life balance, stress reduction, simplification, health, etc., but other clients may be more interested in professional or business goals such as leadership, getting a promotion, starting a business, etc.

An effective coach works with the client to help them live a better, richer life - regardless of their type of goals.Myth 4: Professional coaching is for 'problem' employees.Fact: Coaching used to be a euphemism for 'you're doing lousy work, but before we can fire you we need to show that we've done everything we can to support you so we don't get hit with an employment lawsuit.' According to Paul Michelman, editor of, 'whereas coaching was once viewed by many as a tool to help correct underperformance, today it is becoming much more widely used in supporting top producers.

In fact, in a 2004 survey by Right Management Consultants, 86% of companies said they used coaching to sharpen the skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.' Good coaching focuses on an individual's strengths and aims to help the client achieve what they want more of in life and at work. To help the client identify and achieve their greater goals and to help them live a better life. A good coach isn't there to 'fix' anyone, but to help the client navigate toward a more engaged and compelling future.Myth 5: Personal coaching takes too much time. Fact: Professional coaching is a high-leverage activity. Clients can achieve remarkable progress toward their desired future in less than an hour per month of coaching.

There is a wide spectrum of how coaching is delivered. Some coaches prefer to meet one-on-one with clients in an office, but most recommend telephone sessions for the ease of use, minimization of distractions, better privacy, greater efficiency, and for (yes, apparently) better connection to the client. Best practices in coaching call for between two and four sessions per month that last at least 20 minutes and up to 60 minutes. A sweet spot for many coaches and clients seems to be three sessions per month for 20 to 45 minutes a session - a miniscule investment of time for the results achieved.Myth 6: Life coaches are like having a good friend to bounce ideas off and to keep you motivated.Fact: Your coach may be friendly, but they are not your friend. Your coach is your advocate.

They want the best from you. They will work with you to help you reach your goals and to succeed. Your coach will hold you accountable and challenge you to grow and do more than you think you can do. They may push, pull, and stretch you in ways that may feel uncomfortable. And unlike a friendship, the coaching relationship is unilateral - it is exclusively focused on you and your goals, not the coach, his family, his golf handicap, or what she did over the weekend.Myth 7: Executive coaching is only good for upper management / Coaching is only good for entry level employees.Fact: Coaching is good for anyone who is motivated to create a better life. Initially professional coaching or executive coaching was for upper management, and some organizations still focus their coaching efforts on their top performers. For example, a column by the Economic Times titled ' says coaching is 'designed to help senior leaders create and execute breakthrough ideas, develop strategic pathways and set milestones.

Companies across the board are similarly opting for coaching to help their high-potential executives perform in larger, rapidly-changing roles in a globalized world.' But professional coaching isn't just for the executive suite. The CIPD research study shows just under 5% of coaching is restricted to senior executives. Now, more and more companies are recognizing the powerful benefits of providing coaching to rank and file employees. Libro de solfeo dandelot pdf gratis. For example, online shoe and clothing company, known for their outstanding commitment to creating a culture of unparalleled customer service (they even teach this through ), has a full-time goals coach who works with any employee - not just management - on helping them create better lives.Myth 8: Professional coaches tell their clients what to do and give them advice. Fact: Bad or inexperienced coaches tell their clients what to do and are constantly giving advice.

Good coaches do not. Most clients realize they don't need another parent, sibling, friend, or co-worker telling you what you should be doing. Instead, coaches help their clients explore and come up with the best choices for them based on where they are and the client's vision for their future. Coaches are experts at the process of changing behavior, which is much more valuable than giving instructions.Myth 9: Executive coaching is expensive.Fact: Coaching can cost a great deal of money. Harvard Business School's 'What can Coaches do for You?' Research whitepaper reports some executive coaches cost up to $3,500 for an hour of coaching.

While this is an extreme, most personal coaches charge a monthly retainer between $500 to $2,000 a month. What this means is that either there are a lot of really stupid people wasting their money on coaching each month or they are getting results worth at least the cost of their coach. I have trouble paying $12 a year for a magazine subscription I don't read, so I'm guessing coaching is paying off. According to the commissioned by the International Coach Federation, individual clients reported a median ROI of 3.44 times their investment in coaching. Bottom line, coaching is an investment that can produce monetary rewards above and beyond the cost.Myth 10: Professional coaching is spiritual and relies on 'harnessing the energy in the universe.' Fact: I have no idea what 'harnessing the power of the universe' means, and my guess is that most professional coaches don't either.

When I first started researching coaching, I was under the impression coaching involved lots of chanting, incense, meditation, and other spiritual practices. While there are many great spiritual coaches that may incorporate these practices into their session, most coaches are practical, professional, business people who are focused on tangible results, not airy-fairy mysticism. You can leave your granola and Birkenstocks at home.First published on December 20, 2011 / 8:03 AM© 2011 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Robert Pagliarini is obsessed with inspiring others to create and empowering them to live life to the fullest by radically changing the way they invest their time and energy. He is the founder of, a community of passionate people who want to learn and achieve more in life and at work. He is a Certified Financial Planner and the president of, a boutique wealth management firm serving sudden wealth recipients and affluent individuals. He has appeared as a financial expert on 20/20, Good Morning America, Dr. Drew's Lifechangers and many others.

Compare Coach Academy to Other Top ProgramsIf you are visiting this page, I’m guessing you are seriously considering making an important investment in your career and your life. We know that you have several excellent options to consider.

We also recognize that many factors will affect your decision — location, schedule, program format, philosophy, faculty, and cost among them.After we decided to get our coach certification, and before we began to design Coach Academy in 2006, we found the research process to be daunting and almost overwhelming. There are so many variables to try to sort out, and the most complicated was costs–real total costs. It was quite hard to tease out ALL the costs of each program so that we were looking at apples and apples, not oranges and plums. Some programs incorporate all the mentor coaching hours that you need for ICF certification, but many do not.

Icf accredited coach training program

In some programs, you receive real practice and coaching for the ICF exams, but others do not. Attractive payment plans are available with some institutions, but a few require all or most to be paid at the time of registration or before the start of the program.

Some programs provide all the course material and text books you need while others do not. Textbooks alone cost more than $200 in several programs. Travel expense is obviously going to vary by destination. For sure, it doesn’t apply to virtual programs. Of course, there’s a big reason most top-notch programs are face-to-face: it’s a more effective, stimulating, and powerful learning environment. It’s that simple.Because of all this confusion and the fact that you really have to dig, dig, dig to find all the relevant costs, we’ve tried to summarize below the essential economic factors for several well-known programs as best we could.Based on our research, we believe that besides being the most comprehensive, practical, and excitingcoach training program available today, at an all-inclusive, in-person price of $6,995 early bird tuition or $7,995 full tuition,Coach Academy is also one of the most affordable, productive, and the BEST OVERALL VALUE in the market.See for yourself. InstitutionProgram Name and LocationTotal CostBreakdown of costsProgram OverviewStructure, Admission Requirements, and Financial ConsiderationsCoach Academy InternationalExpanded Coach Certification ProgramIn-Person, Face-to-Face, Dallas, TX$6,995 Early Bird $7,995 RegularAll in-person training in an intensive 8-day format expanded now to provide individualized feedback and personal support to assist candidates in creating a successful recording now required for ACC candidates.


The program is ACSTH approved for 75.5 hours coach-specific training by the ICF and also approved by the Center for Credentialing and Education for its Board Certified Coach (BCC) credential. Payment plans are available with a $10/month admin fee. Tuition INCLUDES 10.5 hours of mentor coaching over six (6) months following the class, easily worth $1,800 – $3,000. All texts, materials, and special class supplies are provided. No hidden costs.

We meet in Addison, TX. Breakfast every day is included in the tuition, 5 lunches, and very attractive group room rates have been negotiated. The hotel is easily accessible and equidistant from both Dallas airports (Love Field and DFW).Rice UniversityCoachRICE: A Leadership Coaching ProgramIn-Person, Houston, TX$7,825 $5,950 tuition+$1,675 for mentor coaching+$200 textbooksConducted in-person by Rice University’s Glasscock School of Continuing Studies on the Rice campus, the program consists of four (4) 12-hour modules (Thursday-Friday) plus 12 hours of self-study assignments for a total of 60 training hours. The program appears to be squarely targeting leadership/executive coaching. Mentor coaching is available separately but not included in the base tuition. A $400 discount is available if you register for the mentor coaching at the same time that you register for the program.

No apparent hidden costs. Dinner is provided on Thursdays, and coffee provided on Fridays. Requirements for admission: Bachelors Degree (submit official college transcript), five (5) years relevant work experience, comprehensive online application. Tuition is payable in full approximately 6 weeks prior to the start of the first module. There may be an application fee, but this could not be determined.

Best Life Coach Training Programs

Required textbooks costing approximately $200 must be purchased separately.University of Texas at DallasThe Executive and Professional Graduate Certificate Coaching ProgramTotally Virtual Format$14,000 $13,500 tuition or $ 12,000 non-credit tuition+$200 nonrefundable application fee+$300 textbooks (est)All distance learning program serving a global audience in a university setting. The classes are delivered via an Adobe platform that allows the instructor to be live on camera, and students to have voice interaction with the instructor and chat with each other. NO in-person classes. In three semesters, there are weekly 60-90 minute web-based classes covering approximately 24 modules with 3-6 hours of self-study, writing, peer-coaching, and client coaching per week. Selected assignments are graded. Students can choose between a non-degree coaching certificate track and a degree-seeking masters track.

Students in the certificate program receive 15 graduate credit hours that can transfer into the Master of Science degree, along with the mentor coaching hours required by ICF. Requirements for admission: Bachelors Degree(submit official college transcript), five (5) years satisfactory work experience, comprehensive online application, application essay, three (3) letters of recommendation.

Best Life Coach Training Programs

Tuition is $13,500 payable at the beginning of each semester. As in typical universities, there is a $200 nonrefundable application fee. Required textbooks costing approximately $300 must be purchased separately.Coach UCore Essentials Program (Virtual) or Core Essentials Fast Track Program (Blended in-person and virtual)A variety of cities worldwide, option of blended format$7,880 $5,590 tuition$500 early bird discount+$2,000 for mentor coach+$290 textbooksTwo ACSTH training options: The Core Essentials Program (CEP) is the first 77 hours over the phone spread out over 6 – 15 months. The Core Essentials Fast Track Program (CEFTP) consists of a six-day, face-to-face intensive ($5095) followed by an eight-week “Building Your Personal Foundation” webinar series ($495) plus the completion of a group project and online exams and self tests. It can be completed in 2 – 6 months. Mentor coaching is not mentioned that we can find. Required books are not included.

Payment plans are available. A $150 fee applies to all payment plans plus the total tuition increases depending on the number of payments you choose.Columbia UniversityC olumbia Coaching Certification ProgramTarrytown, NY (24 miles north of Midtown Manhattan )Blended Format$19,6008-month partially in-person program consisting of an initial 5-day “intensive”, plus a field “practicum” that is on-line and over the phone, and then a final 5-day “advanced intensive”. Participants who complete the first intensive must apply and be accepted into the Coaching Certification Program. Practicum includes mentor coaching.

Certified coach training programs

$1000 non-refundable deposit. One half the cost of the program ($9,300) is due 1 month before the first intensive. There is no fee for the 7-8 month practicum. Then, the second half ($9,300) is due 1 month before the advanced.Fielding Graduate UniversityEvidence Based Coaching Certificate ProgramSanta Barbara, CABlended Format$11,895 $11,520 tuition+$300 textbooks+$75 nonrefundable application fee15-month certificate program consisting of three 12-week online courses (36 weeks total of self-study), 30 hours telephone training, plus 4 in-person skills training workshops, 2-3 days each.

7 hours group mentor coaching included. Receive 12 graduate credit hours plus Fielding’s Evidence Based Coaching Certificate. Requirements for acceptance: Bachelors Degree and several years of work experience with decision making responsibility, resume, 1-2 page Statement of Purpose, official college transcripts from all colleges attended, and one reference letter. Required books are not included. Tuition is paid at registration with the balance paid in two additional installments, plus the out of pocket costs for books and other session costs paid when necessary. A 2% service fee is charged for all credit card transactions.Georgetown University School of Continuing StudiesCertificate in Leadership CoachingWashington D.C.Primarily In-Person plus Homework$14,325 $13,995 tuition+$50 application fee+$280 textbooksEight-month cohort program: 148.5 hours, six 3-day (Wednesday-Friday) on-site sessions once a month, plus additional virtual team meetings, plus 6-10 additional hours per week for required reading, reflection, and writing papers. Final written paper of 9-10 pages.

Rigorous set of final assessment requirements. Applicants mush have a bachelors degree plus a t least five years of education, training and/or professional experience in coaching, human resources, leadership, organization development, or a related field. Resume, two recommendation letters, and essay required with application. Required books are not included.

A variety of payment plans, private loans, and tuition discounts are available.Hudson InstituteThe Professional Certification in Individual and Organizational CoachingSanta Barbara, CA$14,495 (not including required mentor coach)$2,995, 1st tuition$11,500, 2nd tuition-Spring$12,500, 2nd tuition-Fall+ $1,250 – $5,000 for required mentor coach1-year program. First, a 4-day “foundational” seminar, then if your application is accepted, three 4-day (Thursday-Sunday) in-person sessions over 8 months plus 8-12 additional hours per week for conference calls, required reading, journaling, case studies, and other assignments including 6 taped coaching sessions, an oral presentation, and a formal written paper. Plus 25 hours of personal coaching with a trained coach is required but not included in the tuition (fees range from $50-$200 per hour). No practice exams. $2,500 deposit. No payment plans-total tuition is due 45 days in advance.

Required textbooks must be purchased separately.New Ventures WestProfessional Coaching CourseSan Francisco, CA5 other major US cities$11,895 $11,200 tuition+$695 prerequisite class1-year program, starting with the prerequisite two-day Coaching to Excellence class followed by one 5-day in person session and three 4-day in-person sessions (9 am to 7 pm) plus 5-10 additional hours per week spent on reading 10 assigned books and completing written assignments like case studies and essays. The year includes a self-development plan and extensive coaching. No practice exams. Some mentor coaching. No reference letters.

Various payment plans are available with applicable finance charges that vary.Newfield InstituteCoaching For Professional And Personal MasteryBoulder, COReston, VA$10,40011-month program in two modules consisting of four in-person conferences of 3 or 4 days each (Thursday or Friday – Sunday for a total of 14 days) plus 5-7 hours per week for additional reading and writing assignments, study groups, learning groups, teleconferences, group coaching and teaching what you’re learning to a group of 6-10 people who are not participants in the program. Some individual coaching sessions (30-60 minutes each) are included. Payment plans are available but fees are undetermined.The Coaches Training Institute (CTI)CPCC Certification ProgramSan Francisco, CAChicago, ILBoston, MA7 other major US cities$12,700 $10,900 tuition+$1,800 for mentor coachOne-year program in two components: Core Coaching and Certification programs. The Core program consists of monthly 3-day weekend sessions in-person over five months. The Certification program is all over the phone with small “pods” of participants working with a supervising coach. Upon completion and successful exams, receive Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (not an ICF credential). Required books not included.

Also a recording device is required and not included in the costs.iNLP CenterLife Coach CertificationTotally Virtual Format$3,800 $2,400 tuition+$1400 for mentor coachFocused primarily on life coaching. Entirely online training. Two required books are not included and must be purchased individually. No exam preparation or practice exams.

Payments of $420 per month available.iPECCoach Training Program20 Locations Worldwide, Blended Format$11,950Program takes approximately 9 months to complete. It consists of three face-to-face modules followed by 12 weeks to complete a combination of peer work, mentor coaching, webinars, required reading, self-study assignments, and mentor coaching. There’s an oral exam after the last module. Loan options and payment plans are available. Tuition includes a mentor coach for 6 months, business development program, and all texts and materials. No hidden costs.

Appears to be a straightforward application process with no application fee or transcripts required. “Mina and Coach Academy have been both a life changer for me personally and a game changer for my business.” – Sherry Yellin, PhD, ACC, BCC“An outstanding program for people who are serious and sincere about developing rich coaching skills and gaining the tools needed to successfully complete the certification process. ” – Bill Koch, Chairman, Hawthorne Global Aviation, Certified Executive Coach, ACC“I can’t thank you enough for your excellent training program which has been such a tremendous foundation on which I am building my new career. The quality of the 8-day in person training program was truly remarkable. It was by far the best training I have ever taken in my life!. ” – Debbie Keeler, M.Ed., ACC“Coach Academy has thoughtfully and thoroughly constructed a coach training program that’s rigorous, thought-provoking, engaging, and rewarding.

” – Claire Tondreau, Management Consultant, ACC.