My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend Of Ever
This movie might answer the two big questions that have been left hanging over the movies. First: Where in the World is Human!Sunset Shimmer? And second: What became of the sirens after the Battle of the Bands?Both of which have been bugging this Troper endlessly. Unlike her pony counterpart, Human Sunset likely would have never been reformed, which could make her a potential antagonist. The Sirens are probably wandering the human world, searching for some way to make the most of their lives without help from magic until Sunset, Sci-Twi, and the Rainbooms stumble upon them and try to help them out. The ladybug which has appeared in all three movies will be the ultimate evil.Or the ultimate something at least. You don't have a ladybug lurking around for your entire franchise just to be cute.
Furthermore, it may have some kind of connection with Gloriosa, who may have known of the existence of magic from the very start and recognizes its impact on the human world. With the synopsis now revealed, the ladybug might be related to Gaia Everfree, acting perhaps as her eyes and ears to watch Canterlot High since Equestrian magic came into the human world. Sunset Shimmer will return home.Assuming the forth instalment will conclude the spin-off series, Sunset's job in the human world would be just about complete by the time the newly-redeemed Sci-Twi effectively establishes her place with the rest of the Mane Six's human counterparts. It may go through a reverse Rainbow Rocks or first movie route, where in the former, Sunset will properly guide Sci-Twi to defeat a new villain or two, whereas in the latter, once Sunset decides that her job is done, she will use the portal to return to Equestria and try to be on better terms with the Celestia from her former homeworld, thus, bringing a conclusion to her arc before the 2017 mo G5. This would also be a good opportunity to utilize the scrapped homesickness subplot from Friendship Games, complete with a song based on the deleted version of What More is Out There? Elves.This is actually kind of obvious.
It has to do with the woods, it's in the human world, and Hasbro will most certainly be making money off of it. As such, elves. It might be a case of, it might have Human Sunset helping them (probable, if not likely) or it might even include Changelings.Although the writers would probably try to deconstruct this, since they don't like being told what to do.
Alternatively: we'll get to see the debut of a G4 version of the Moochick from G1 (who was an elf). Jossed.
Legend of Everfree will be a crossover between Equestria Girls and the mane MLP Verse.As far as I know, there isn't any incarnation of the Everfree Forest that exists in the Equestria Girls universe. We only know about it from the MLP universe.
But this is labeled as an Equestria Girls movie, so that means it's going to have something to do with them. My theory: there is a magic in the Everfree forest that is capable of merging the two worlds together, and ends up putting both at risk, so the Pony Mane 6 (or maybe Pony Mane 7 if Starlight Glimmer comes along) and the Equestria Girls end up meeting and teaming up to save the day. Jossed. This movie will be near entirely self-contained from Equestria.The current info is the girls are going to a fashion summer camp.
This removes them from both the campus and the portal. This means communication with Twilight is pointless. Sci-Twi will come into her lessons about friendship, the movie will be lowkey, except for the occasional outbursts of friendship magic. It can also be an focused almost entirely on the summer camp with maybe perhaps at least one appearance of the school at the beginning as Sunset, Sci-Twi, and the five others prepare to leave for summer break.
Confirmed. The only thing implied to have something to do with Equestria are the magical geodes. Flash Sentry will not appear.He will not appear at all during the course of the film except for a small cameo at the beginning where he says hello to Human Twilight and is ignored once again. The rest of the Equestria Girls will feel guilty for not telling him that their Twilight is not the Twilight he knows. And for a great, will have him discovering that there are two Twilights, making for a rather awkward scene. Or his name will be mentioned and the Equestria Girls will go 'Who?' Since he's been pushed further and further into the background.
Jossed. He's in the trailer. The will have little connection to EquestriaInstead, the will be a native of the human world but will still be fascinated by the power of Equestrian Magic and instead of stealing it, will see it as an obstacle to their plans and try to eliminate it. Also, the 's plans will involve shutting down the camp, tying her plan to eliminate Equestrian magic after catching wind of its existence when the Sunset and the others pony up. Alternately, the villain will have heard about the at Canterlot High and decide that the girls need to be held accountable for their actions. Jossed, sort-of.
Filthy Rich indeed tries to shut down the camp but has no involvment whatsoever with the Equestrian magic. He instead acts as a catalyst for the 'true' anatagonist, Gloriosa Daisy, also a native of the human world to use Equestria magic that she stumbles upon to save the campy from Filthy Rich.
The antagonist, if there is one, will turn out to be non-maliciousThey have a deadline to close the camp because it's either poorly funded, managed or maintained. Alternatively, they, or who ever they are working for, want to close the camp due to a lack of campers and wish to use the land for more beneficial purposes for the public.
This antagonistic character could be Filthy Rich, as he was revealed in the trailer. While he looks rather sneaky, it's possible he doesn't mean any real harm (at least, won't be a Captain Planet Villain).
Confirmed-ish for Filthy Rich - although he is unnecessarily slimey about it, he intends to convert the campsite into a more profitable spa resort as the current owners are already long overdue with their mortgage/rent payment. Also confirmed for Gloriosa Daisy, since she is trying to save the camp from Filthy Rich. Timber Spruce will be He will be the secondary antagonist if Gaia Everfree proves to be the main one. And for added drama, Twilight will be heartbroken when he reveals himself to be on the bad Guy's team. It's also odd the creators (a decision pretty disliked by a large portion of the fandom) in this movie, but moments latter do exactly the SAME thing with human Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce. Timber Spruce being a probably adult camp counselor, so him flirting, and having a relationship with a non-adult camper, seems at least a bit unprofessional, unethical. Such a pairing seems a bit to edgy for an Equestria Girls movie, and somewhat sends girls a wrong message, with Twilight beginning a romantic relationship with an adult who is her guardian in this situation, and behaving so, arguably abuses his power and position. Descargar libros historicos pablo hoff pdf.
This all may be foreshadowing Timber Spruce, is a bad guy, as otherwise, this whole relationship would possibly have some. Some possible evidence of this is in the, on each character's webpages; most aren't anything odd — except that both Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer have one message each that. Gloriosa Daisy is Gaia EverfreeShe lures kids to her camp for some nefarious purpose. Timber Spruce is her Dragon. ◊ shares some of her appearance with Gaia, ◊, possibly signifying. Timber Spruce, sounds a lot like, who in Equestria, live in the Everfree Forest.
Spoiler alert: give us a clear view of Gaia Everfree's full form.and she bears quite the resemblance to Gloriosa. So, maybe confirmed?.
Confirmed. Alternatively, she doesn't actually have any malicious intent.
As Gloriosa Daisy. Her Gaia Everfree form could be some sort of curse she cannot control. Possibly she sees the girls use their magical abilities to try and save the camp and decides to get her own hands on magic to make the legend of Gaia Everfree real in order to scare off Filthy Rich.
Confirmed, although it would be more accurate to say the Gaia Everfree is Gloriosa Daisy (Gaia Everfree was a story made up by Timber to explain Gloriosa usign magic). Gloriosa and Timber have a that's connected to Gaia Everfree in some way and will be antagonists.The secret is:. Gloriosa turns into Gaia through an uncontrollable curse.
Possibly. See above WMG. Maybe they or their ancestors sealed Gaia away in the cave when she tried to kick them off her land, and now they run the camp nearby to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't escape. look like they could be related to the siblings. They and Gaia are both, the siblings think Gaia is a monster who needs to be locked away so she doesn't attack the camp and Gaia thinks they're monsters who are despoiling nature by making a camp in her forest. The girls will have to reconcile the two sides. Confirmed, although only Gloriosa is the and Timber is just caught up in her actions.
Filthy Rich will find out about the existence of Equestrian magic.Although his daughter was present at each of the different magical occurrences at Canterlot High, he didn't believe her stories about magic. In this movie, however, he discovers that magic is indeed real when the Equestria Girls pony up to save the day. He then tries to make a profit off of the discovery but is instead told to back down because he realizes that if he tries to do so, he will just come off to others as a raving lunatic.
My Little Pony Equestria Girls Legend Of Everfree Characters
Jossed. The geodes/necklaces are actually the Elements of Harmony.The portal somehow absorbed the magic from the Tree of Harmony and sent their magic to the geodes. Consequently, the Tree and Elements lose their magic, making the Everfree Forest go haywire which will lead to the Season 6 finale and will drive the plot of Season 7.
Or the Equestria Girls world will get a Netflix series dealing with this problem, as stated above. Semi-jossed. While the Season 6 finale has come and gone without mentioning this (and there will be three more Equestria Girls specials instead of a full-on series for now), we don't know about Season 7. The next movie will be the last.The girls will find out that the portal is leaking magic in the next movie and will fight monsters from Equestria until Sunset decides to destroy the portal. There's two possible outcomes of this. Either Sunset chooses to stay in the human world with the rest of the Equestria Girls or she goes back to Equestria.
And takes all the magic in the human world back with her. Jossed. At least three more Equestria Girls specials are planned. Well, technically confirmed that (so far) this is the last Equestria Girls. About the three new specials.The NY Toy Fair 2017 has shed some light on future Equestria Girls Minis sets, which may or may not be related to the upcoming three specials.
Additionally, leaked pics of future sets are available. In short:;; (such as Pinkie working at the Sweet Shoppe or some other restaurant/diner/whatever). So, let's begin with the speculations:.
Note that the Daring Do figure is (sorta) doing a on a giant film reel decoration; in the human world, she might be a fictional character from a movie franchise (or ). Assuming one of the specials is focused on the movie theater, maybe magic hijinks lead to Daring Do either becoming a or the Equestria Girls. This might also be somehow related to the character Juniper Montage — maybe she's the -cum- and is the cause of said magic disturbances. One of the specials might be much more mundane in nature, and just focus on the girls getting summer jobs.
Hilarity — and likely, magic fun — ensues. The human world's Starlight Glimmer will be the antagonist of one of the specials; either by being actively malicious (with goals, if not exactly the same as Pony Starlight's pre-, then somewhat similar if only thematically, tying with a ) or more or less accidentally (she runs into magic, and ends being driven to destructive insanity; might still be tied to a tragic past — but Human Starlight didn't go or hadn't yet gone down the same dark path as her pony version). Parallels to Sunset Shimmer might be made and actively pointed out, either by other characters or Sunset/Starlight themselves. Alternatively, the toy sets are something of a meta, and the specials are completely unrelated or very vaguely related (such as that we see the girls attending a movie theater in, say, the, but is not the focus of the story or even the setting it takes place). Cue the sad trombones.
This also isn't the first time it has happened: Zecora, Sapphire Shores and Queen Chrysalis have gotten dolls in previous years, but haven't even been hinted at in the films or pretty much any related Equestria Girls media (Chrysalis' appearance in the app when scanned notwithstanding).Kinda unrelated, but the 'normal' dolls haven't been mentioned at all — the only things shown are related to the Equestria Girls Minis. And seeing how Legend of Everfree's toyline suffered from some really severe (not even a online-only commercial), with many dolls being online exclusives. It's all but stated that the brushable doll line is dead (or, being more positive, dormant for the time being). This can lend itself to. Or the minis have proved more popular and they just decided to focus on them instead.