Pro-e Wildfire 2.0

I recently created a drawing in Wildfire 2.0 from a part that was modeled in Wildfire 2.0.We've just recently installed Wildfire 2.0 at my company to upgrade from 2001, so this is my first official time using it to do my work.I noticed that the text size on the drawing I created was bigger than the default text size we have specified in our drawing dtl file which is located on our Pro-E server. I checked the on our Pro-E serverand the option 'drawingsetupfile' is pointing to the correct dtl file. Also, the option 'prodtlsetupdir' is pointing to the correct folder, which contains the correct dtl file. Anybody know what might be the problem? Everything appears correct but for whatever reason, Wildfire 2.0 either isn't reading the or isn't reading the dtl file.or both. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Pro-E is installed locally on every user's machine, whether it be their C: drive or D: drive. Once Pro-E is installed, a shortcut is added to their desktop and the target points to a prostart.bat shortcut that is located on my company's Pro-E server on a totally separate drive. All our Pro-E formats, dtl files, etc are located on this Pro-E server/drive.

Basically, everyone is reading the same, until the user decides they want to make a change or two and save it locally to their hard drive. The drawing dtl file we use is also located on the Pro-E server/drive, not on each user's pc. By the way, the shortcut I mentioned earlier comes from the same folder off of our Pro-E server that our resides in.

I don't know if I answered your question(s) or not. I'm completely new to this whole admin process so bare with me. DrGallup, I believe your last replyhad the answer I was looking for. I have to confirm this but from what I can see, the prostart.bat is indeed copying the off of our server BUT it's copying it to our old text folder for our old version of Pro-E. Keep in mind we haven't removed it off our users' pcs.I think that's why in Wildfire 2.0 I'm not seeing the right options. The prostart.bat file was never updated to reflect where the new Wildfire 2.0 text folder is located.

2.0Pro e wildfire 2.0

I'll take a look at that. Thanks a lot!

Pro Engineer Wildfire 2.0 Windows 10

Pro-e Wildfire 2.0

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