Resident Evil 4 Texture Patch 2.0 Installation

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I've bought Resident Evil 4 for PC. Now I've downloaded the texture patch 2.0 as well as a backup edition of the game. The texurepack is supposed to 'upgrade' the textures in the game - making it look much better:Problem is this:When I unpack the texture pack 2.0, there are 3 folder with subfolders containing a lot of files which are the high-res textures I assume. These folders are named XFILE, XSCR and OGG. The contents of these 3 folders should be inserted / implemented into the corresponding.dat files. I guess.I've tried to open the.dat files with a series of programs, but nothing worked.Anybody can help me with this? Anybody here who's got the texture pack 2.0 up and running?thx in advance!

'1- You need to have all the 6 part in the same folder, then execute/open part 1.exe. Install/Extract the patch in your 'Resident Evil 4' or 'biohazard 4' folder.

Resident evil 4 texture patch 2.0 installation download

Resident Evil 4 Texture Patch 2.0 Installation Instructions


Resident Evil 4 Texture Patch 2.0 Installation Download

This should create or overwrite xfile, xscr and ogg folders'I don't own this game but maybe I can help you.It looks like you need to combine all of the downloads into a new folder, run Part1.exe and I guess it will ask you where to put the folders. If it does, make it browse to the Resident Evil 4 folder e.g 'C:Program FilesResident Evil 4' or whatever the folder name is or wherever it is at (i'm guessing it is in Program Files) and click Extract. Do this for all 6 parts and it should overwrite all the old textures with the new ones.


Hope this helps.-J.B.