How To Use Msn In Blackberry Wifi
Hello bold users. This is my first blackberry and ive had it for just about week now.
How To Use Msn In Blackberry Wifi Password
I finally learnt how to download apps (thanks to crackberry). But the apps i was most interested in were msn and facebook. But after i got them. It seems that it only works with the data plan 3g internet and not wifi.
Now im not a subscriber to rogers internet. Is there a way i could use these apps with WiFi??Also wanted to know about Maps/GPS.
The phone didnt come with any maps loaded where as the GPS is such a highly advertised feature of it. And i found out only after i got the phone that you must have a data plan to use it any ways. Is that only true for turn by turn direction??
I mean could i just load a map when im within a WiFi region and then save it???Even tho there have been a few disspointments since i got the phone. Mostly since i dont know how to use all the features propely. But for some reason. I love the phone. And would like to learn all the work around before i can call it MINE.Will appreciate any replies. Thanks a ton crackberry userS!!!
Also wanted to know about Maps/GPS. The phone didnt come with any maps loaded where as the GPS is such a highly advertised feature of it. And i found out only after i got the phone that you must have a data plan to use it any ways. Is that only true for turn by turn direction?? I mean could i just load a map when im within a WiFi region and then save it???BB Maps, Google maps and the such will always use data, as they don't store any map information on your device and must therefore download the information as required.You can try programs like Garmin, where all the map data is stored on a SD card and rely solely on GPS info.
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I am a new Bold user, and this is my first BB.When i first got it, I didnt have any data plan. In Bangalore, India it takes 24 hrs to activate data services.So when i was playing around with the phone trying to set up an email account, i noticed that i could not use my web browser over wifi. This is because i was using the regular one and not the hot spot one, so when i turned of Mobile Network from Manage Connections, my brower opnd in hotspot mode and i was able to use it over wifi.could this same thing work for the facebook app, it dose not work over wifi when u are using wifi and mobile network is active then FB is in regular mode but when Mobile Network is off it is fored to go into HotSpot mode?Just an idea.
It works over wifi because you still have the sim card in, the blackberry internet service can work over wifi, as well over the carrier line. It automatically switches to wifi mode when connected to it.without data plan in the line currently registered with the sim card, bbmsn, live messenger and anything that uses data wont work over wifi. If you take the sim card out and enable wifi you wont be able to use data plan requiring apps over wifi.turning the radio off and enabling wifi doesnt mean it works solely over wifi, because it is still using the information in the sim card to identify with the BIS serverLast edited by gbsn; 05-24-09 at 12:44 AM. It works over wifi because you still have the sim card in, the blackberry internet service can work over wifi, as well over the carrier line.
It automatically switches to wifi mode when connected to it.without data plan in the line currently registered with the sim card, bbmsn, live messenger and anything that uses data wont work over wifi. Its impossible to use MSN Messenger or Facebook with only wifi and no BIS or BES data plan, even with a basic data plan (like windows mobile data plan for carriers that dont have bis/bes) wont work. Turning off your 3g radio will not do anything, try pulling out your battery, taking out the sim card and using wifi only. I use to be with fido but only wifi wasnt enough for me, so i switched to rogers and got my data plan.Buddy, why did you have to switch to Rogers, if Fido also has Data Plans? I'm curious since I'm registering with Fido this week.I'd like to hear your opinion.
I'll second the question that Zvuqniki posed, is there any possible option to use WLM without a data plan? Failing that, is there any 3rd party app that is MSN compatible that does not rely on blackberry/carrier networks but will via wifi hotspots? I had to drop all my services as I can't afford everything at this time. My Bold will work thru wifi hot spot with webmail and most sites using the browser (the simm card is not tied to any account now but I still have to set browser to use hotspot and enable data services for browsing to work).besides being a rather expensive Ipod it would be pretty handy at least if I can have some form of wifi based messenger communications available.