Jboss Sample War
Sample Application Sample ApplicationThe example app has been packaged as a war file and can be downloaded(Note: make sure your browser doesn'tchange file extension or append a new one).The easiest way to run this application is simply to move the war fileto your CATALINAHOME/webapps directory. Tomcat will automaticallyexpand and deploy the application for you. You can view it with thefollowing URL (assuming that you're running tomcat on port 8080as is the default):If you just want to browse the contents, you can unpack the war filewith the jar command.jar -xvf sample.war. Ver , torrent, descargar el club de la buena estrella.
Sample Web Application War File Download
How deploy war file JBoss serverThis demo you will see how to deploy war file on JBoss application server. There are two ways to deploy war file on JBoss server:. Create war file then paste it in JBOSSHOMEserverdefaultdeploy folder.
Sample Jboss War File Oracle Database
Deploy war file through Admin consoleFirst let’s see how to deploy and run war file on JBOSSHOMEserverdefaultdeploy folder. To create war file on any web project (For this demo we will create it in eclipse) you will have to right click project – Export – WAR file.
Give war file name and its destination then click finish:. Now copy war file to JBOSSHOMEserverdefaultdeploy folder and start JBoss server.