Objectdock Stack Docklet

Thank you for the hard work!I’m running a Vista 32-bit SP2 operating system. Has been working perfectly.

Yep, those no-good, yarn stealing always annoying intergalactic trolls, the Woolies, are up to their no-good ways once again! Now Bubsy is on a one Bobcat mission taking on Woolies, Bumble Bees, Sharks, and UFO’s to collect an insane amount of yarnballs and bring his Holy Grail of Wool home.2D, or not 2D? Heroes of might and magic 5: bundle. Bubsy thinks 3D is so 1998 that he’s going back to the 2D well with a huge assist with his good friends at Black Forest for 14 rip roaring levels of side scrolling action. They’ve stolen Bubsy’s most prized possession, the Golden Fleece.


Have started incorporating it with Matonga’s Stack Dock 2.0 while using Rocketdock. Noticed that if you run a stack shortcut that leads to a second stack shortcut, the second stack shortcut will not run. Thought that might be a way around having to rework all my custom icons into the images folder.


Standalone Stack

Also, would like to request a possible forward button if icons are unable to fit within the display. Not a complaint, just wishful thinking.Great app! Thanks again!.