Reverse Pyramid Workout Program

  1. Reverse Pyramid Workout Program
  2. Reverse Pyramid Workout Routine
  3. Reverse Pyramid Full Body Workout

Reverse Pyramid Training OverviewRequired Skill Level: IntermediateTraining days per week: 3Description: Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT) is a method that is credited to Swedish nutritionist and strength coach,.The program revolves around a smaller number of intense sets (3-5) for each major muscle group. Each set must be performed with high intensity, taken just before failure, with the top sets being at the maximum of the trainee’s capability.The RPT method of training provides several benefits:. The low amount of volume yields an ROI on time that is unmatched. Just 40-50 minutes per workout, three times a week, allows you to stimulate growth as well as any other program. (However, the tradeoff is that each set is extremely taxing and training cannot occur very frequently with RPT.). RPT works extremely well with a caloric deficit. The combination of super low volume and very high intensity seems to allow trainees to maintain all strength during a “cut” as long as nutrition is adequate.The combination of double progression (increase in weight, reps) and backoff sets (your lighter, subsequent sets) allows for multiple ways to improve on a week-to-week basis.

When paired with Martin’s method, many practitioners report strength increases even while dieting. The ProgramNote: The programming below is a variation on Martin’s RPT that has worked extremely well. For Martin’s actual program, you may want to.Training is split up into three different days. In these examples, we’re using Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but they can be any day as long as some spacing rules apply:1. Do not repeat the same workout sooner than a week.2.

There must be at least 4 days spacing between legs and back, so that squats and deadlifts do not interfere with each other.3. Space at least one rest day in between training days (you may need to make occasional exceptions to this). Back Day (Monday)Barbell Deadlift –Set 1: 4-6 repsSet 2: Backoff SetMilitary Press –One set of 6-8 repsChin-up (weighted) –Set 1: 4-6 repsSet 2: Backoff SetPendlay Rows –2 sets x 5 reps Chest and Arms (Wednesday)Barbell Bench Press –Set 1: 6-10 repsSet 2: Backoff SetSet 3: Backoff SetBarbell Incline Bench Press –Set 1: 8-12 repsSet 2: Backoff SetBarbell Bicep Curls (Cambered Bar) –One set of 8-12 reps Legs (Friday)Barbell Squats –Set 1: 6-8 repsSet 2: Backoff SetSet 3: Backoff SetLeg Curls –Set 1: 8-12 repsSet 2: Backoff SetWeighted Ab Cable CrunchesOne set of 10-20 reps Top sets vs. Backoff setsEach set should be taken to maximum effort.

That is, perform as many reps as possible until you know that attempting an additional rep would cause you to fail.Just by the nature of strength training, your first set in each exercise (the top set) should be the hardest, most intense set.On most exercises, you will have a “backoff set” as your second or third set. In these backoff sets, decrease the previous set’s weight by 10%. You should be able to hit one more rep than the previous set. Note that when decreasing the weight on a weighted exercise, such as weighted chin-ups, you should use the total weight (i.e. Your body weight plus the added weight).For example if your top set is 200 lb and you hit 8 reps, your second set will be 180 lb and you’re likely to hit 9 reps. Your third set will then be 160 lb and you’ll likely hit 10 reps. Rest timesBecause of the taxing nature of RPT, sets involving large muscle groups should have rest times of 4-5 minutes. While this is longer than many other training programs, a “lack” of rest time from a previous set should not interfere with subsequent sets.

ProgressionEach week you should aim to increase your top set in reps or weight. Aim to increase the amount of reps until you perform the exercise at the top of the rep range (e.g. 12 reps for barbell bench), then increase the weight by the smallest possible increment.If you fail at increasing the reps or weight on the top set, attempt to do the same on the subsequent sets, prioritizing them in the order that they’re listed. You’ll find that on some weeks your top set remains the same, but you’re able to improve your second or third backoff sets.These micro improvements are part of the reason that RPT is a good fit for a cut, as you can still progressively overload through minute improvements. ConclusionRPT is quite straightforward and a great program for making improvements without much time commitment, even if you’re on a caloric deficit. Those running on a tight schedule can even opt to occasionally drop the accessory movements if they’re in a jam and still adhere to a good training protocol.

Take a second and look at the picture aboveThen ask yourself which physique is more desirable for you. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer. Both levels of development represent a Kinobody, and where you currently are dictates where you should begin.Now on the left, you have a slimmer at a shredded 6% body fat with exceptional muscle definition. In this photo, Henry Cavill has the. If you have any fat to lose, this is where you should begin.On the right, you have a bulkier at 8-9% body fat with incredible muscle development.

Here, Henry Cavill has the physique.Depending on your natural build you may be better suited for the or the.Throughout my training, I have fluctuated between both levels of physical development. However, I have found that my body gravitates towards the superhero physique more-so due to my love for food and king size appetite.In this post, I am going to discuss the muscle building program that I like to call the for the man wanting to build the superhero physique. This in itself requires a much greater emphasis on resistance training to boost muscle growth to superhero status.In addition, the superhero physique will allow for a compared to the warrior physique. An Amazing Superhero Physique Immediately Grabs Your Attention!I have been as low as 6% body fat and absolutely shredded! It was definitely cool for a while.

Reverse Pyramid Workout Program

My face was chiseled to the bone, veins were prominent all over and muscles were constantly in a state of definition.That being said, this state of definition can be considered a little too extreme for some people’s taste. Since adding some serious muscle and a bit of fat I have noticed more attention from the fairer sex.As well, guys seem to be considerably more apologetic for bumping into me at clubs and bars.Lastly, I have felt the from giving myself permission to be a little heavier and thus consume more carbs. This is the power and advantage of utilizing a muscle-building program and striving for the superhero physique. The Superhero Muscle Building WorkoutThe foundation of the has always been centered around building strength in the 4-8 rep range. Simply getting guarantees an increase in muscle size overtime. The 4-8 rep range will maximize overall muscle fiber recruitment while allowing for sufficient volume to stimulate growth.Your results may vary.

Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.This type of muscle-building program will account for about 75% of muscle growth. The best method for this type of growth is. If you are after the, this style of muscle building is all that is needed.For the superhero physique, we need to exploit an additional training technique found in the. One that will allow us to carry an additional 5-10 lbs of ‘pretty muscle’ from increased glycogen storage in the muscles.To bodybuilders, this is known as pump training or fatigue training.The addition of pump training to a muscle-building program will give the muscles a fuller and more impressive shape. This is a necessity for acquiring the superhero body.The best style of pump training is Standard Pyramid Training.The combination of low volume strength training and higher volume pump training is the holy grail of adding rock hard muscle. Unfortunately, most people find one effective lifting technique and apply it all across the board to every exercise.Consequently, muscle growth is drastically limited.

We will overcome this limitation by incorporating both styles of lifting into one kick-ass superhero workout plan and program. This Is The Best way to train for muscle gainis what is going to deliver 75% of your muscle gains. As well, RPT will build superhero strength like you would never believe.

This style of lifting is best suited for compound movements with a large potential for strength gains.The main goal of RPT is to allow you to lift heavier weights overtime within a specific rep range (4-8 reps).The premise behind RPT is to perform your heaviest set first while you are completely fresh. This allows for optimal lifting performance and thus consistent strength and muscle gains.For the subsequent sets, you will be reducing the weight by 10%. The reduction in weight after your heavy set is a key component of RPT. This will ensure that you don’t overstress your nervous system from heavy lifting.Rest between sets should be long, 3-4 minutes.

We are striving for maximum performance; not fatigue.Lastly, each set should be pushed hard. Aim for as many reps as possible without failing on a rep.This type of lifting triggers myofibrillar hypertrophy, which is an increase in the size of the actual contractual filaments of a muscle. Building muscle this way is a slow and steady process. It takes time and you won’t see results overnight.The good news is that with this muscle-building workout, the muscle you build will be very stubborn. Once it’s gained it won’t want to leave you.You can take a few weeks off lifting and you’ll hardly experience any muscle atrophy. Not to mention, you could cut your workout volume by 1/2 or 1/3 and maintain your muscle gains indefinitely.Lastly, this type of muscle gain is very resilient during fat loss phases. As long as you lift heavy a couple times per week you will have no problem maintaining all of your ‘hard-earned muscle.’ This Is The Second best way to train for muscle gainThe other component of the is going to be standard pyramid training.This will cover the other 25% of your muscle gains, will deliver one, and will create a super glycogen compensation effect.

Reverse pyramid training for size

You will be depleting a fair amount of muscle glycogen with this type of training.As a result, your body will adapt by storing more glycogen in the muscles to better handle future training. This extra glycogen will make your muscles bigger and fuller.As well, this type of lifting triggers sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This is a type of muscle growth which leads to increased fluid in the muscles.The good news is that this type of muscle growth comes rather quickly.

Reverse Pyramid Workout ProgramReverse Pyramid Workout Program

Reverse Pyramid Workout Routine

A few weeks of this type of lifting and you should notice that your muscles have a bit more size.The downfall is that this type of lifting doesn’t have any profound effect on strength or power.As well, this type of muscle gain can be considered temporary. If you and don’t workout you will gradually start to notice your muscles flattening out. Think of this type of training as the cherry on top of your overall workout routine.It will give your muscles a more visually impressive look when stacked on a heavy lifting Reverse Pyramid Training routine.With Standard Pyramid Training the goal is to really fatigue your muscles and maximize volume. For that reason rest between sets should be short, 30-60 seconds top.You should also be performing several sets, 4-6 would be ideal.

You want to be using the same weight for all sets with Standard Pyramid Training. Your first set should be around 12 reps. As fatigue sets in on your subsequent sets, you will be performing less and less reps.For that reason, I recommend doing 12, 10, 8, 6 reps. To maximize total depletion and glycogen super-compensation you can add two more sets of 6 reps. What About A Supplement Protocol For The Muscle Building Program?I recommend using a creatine supplement if you are going for the superhero physique.By supplementing with creatine you will easily be able to gain 5-7 lbs of lean mass and you’ll get a nice boost in strength and power.I recommend taking about 5g of creatine monohydrate per day. On workout days take it after training.

If you want to see how to do these exercises, check out my free Exercise Tutorial Vault.Workout NotesRPT = Reverse Pyramid Training.Your first set should be an all-out effort stopping one rep short of failure. For the following sets the weight should be reduced by 10% of total weight and reps should be increased by 1-2.Rest between these sets should be long, 3-4 minutes.Standard Pyramid you will be using the same weight for all sets.Rest between sets will be very short, 30-60 seconds. This will cause cumulative fatigue which is why the reps pyramid down on each set. The last 3 sets you will be performing 6 reps with the same weight. If you are unable to perform 6 reps on your last two sets then rest a little longer.You can customize this training to your current physique. If you don’t want to add too much size to your chest then you can just perform the heavy lifting and forgo the high volume standard pyramid.For example, I do the high volume standard pyramid training on my shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Chest and back I just do reverse pyramid training.This will allow you to build up your physique to the perfect proportions based on your genetics and current development.

Want A Complete Program To Reach Your Ideal Physique?If you’re going for the Warrior Physique, I highly recommend checking out my best-selling program,.However, if you’re looking for a program to maximize muscle gains without adding fat and maintaining a low body fat, then I’d recommend my very popular program, the.Your Kino Question For The Day: Have you ever tried combining Reverse Pyramid Training with Standard Pyramid Training? What did you learn from reading this post? Let me know in the comments below. Please Note: The author of this site is not engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician.

Reverse Pyramid Full Body Workout

All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. The author shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this blog. You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare.Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.