Windows System32 Dfrg.msc
I dont have a virus on my comp but my dfrg.ini went poof after i installed Microsoft security essentials. I just might have to reformat again for the 4th time in the last 2 days. Starting to hate microsoft.
First windows update gave me a virus that killed my comp, then sp3 wouldnt let me get on the internet after reformating and only doing windows update, reformated again then windows update killed the use of all of my keyboards, reformated again but didnt get sp3 and went with just sp2 and microsoft security essentials and now i cant defrag. It has not been a fun last 3 days with my comp. I lost around 230 gigs of codecs, pics, games, and other random stuff i would have liked to keep. In all it takes me about 7-8 hours to reinstall everything that i have disks for. Thats not counting the 230 or so gigs of stuff i lost. And it looks like i get to do it all over again tonight but this time i am not getting the MSE. Midnighthwk - everything in your message indicates that your experience and knowledge regarding Windows is limited at best.First, you should NEVER loose anything because from now on you will back up your important files (music, pictures, downloads and documents).I have worked on nearly 16000 computers - if any update causes symtoms to appear, you have a problem however IT IS NOT THE UPDATE!It is possible that you have a defective install disk but I am thinking that this is not the case.MSE needs sp3 - read before you work on your computer and certainly before you write.bayrec.
I've previously tried to post this a couple of time, but it doesn't seem tohave come through - I'm fairly sure the newsreader on my other machine isplaying up, but apologies if I'm mistaken & you see this twiceHi there,I manage a small domain with an SBS 2003 server and a handful of PCsrunning XP Professional SP2, all reasonably up-to-date using WindowsUpdate.I have a shortcut to Disk Defragmenter on my desktop, which is the sameon all machines thanks to roaming profiles. It points to'%SystemRoot%system32dfrg.msc'When I'm at the server and click on the shortcut it works perfectly, butwhen I do so at any of the XP machines it fails, giving the error:MMC cannot open the file C:WINDOWSsystem32dfrg.mscThis may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMCconsole, or was created by a later version of MMC. This alsomay be because you do not have sufficient access rights to thefile.Pasting '%SystemRoot%system32dfrg.msc' into Start Run or a DOS boxproduces the same thing.The file is there, and if I right-click on it I can see thatAdministrators (of which I am one) have 'Full Control' (read, write,execute) rights to it.If I just type '%SystemRoot%system32' into the Run box the'C:WINDOWSsystem32' folder opens, indicating that '%SystemRoot%' isbeing resolved correctly. I can find 'dfrg.msc' in that folder &double-click on it. The same error.Starting from Accessories System Tools gives the same thing.I have tried running `regsvr32 dfrgsnap.dll` & `regsvr32 dfrgui.dll` tono avail - they say they've completed successfully, but make nodifference.
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(To be honest, I don't know if they should, but whensearching I found it suggested to reregister these DLLs, so gave it ago). I have also tried right-clicking on dfrg.inf, right-clicking &choosing install - that helps none, either.This thread suggests Doug Knox's.MSC fileassociation fix and also reregisteringmsxml3.dll. Neither help.This seems to cover just about every suggestion I can find dealing withthis problem, although if you can find or think of other things to trythen I would love to hear them. I was kinda at my wits' end over this,until I discovered that the defragmentation pane IS available if Iright-click on My Computer and choose 'Manage'. So I can defrag thecomputers, but it makes no sense at all to me why it works from'Computer Management' but not by other methods - curiosity and thedesire not to suffer any bugs on my computers drives me to try toresolve this nonetheless.Stroller.Jim Behning SBS MVP29.01.08 5:44.
Bearing in mind the information given below, what do you suggest as atarget for that new shorcut?I am indeed using roaming profiles - this is mentioned in the original post,albeit incidentally.Stroller.Jim Behning SBS MVP wrote: Why not do a new desktop shortcut to dfrg.msc? None of the other nonsense. I don't know the answer is different with roaming profiles. On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:06:37 +0000, Stroller wrote.Pasting '%SystemRoot%system32dfrg.msc' into Start Run or a DOS boxproduces the same thing.Starting from Accessories System Tools gives the same problem.Ramesh, MS-MVP29.01.08 7:05. Stroller wrote:I've previously tried to post this a couple of time, but it doesn't seemtohave come through - I'm fairly sure the newsreader on my other machine isplaying up, but apologies if I'm mistaken & you see this twiceHi there,I manage a small domain with an SBS 2003 server and a handful of PCsrunning XP Professional SP2, all reasonably up-to-date using WindowsUpdate.I have a shortcut to Disk Defragmenter on my desktop, which is the sameon all machines thanks to roaming profiles. It points to'%SystemRoot%system32dfrg.msc'When I'm at the server and click on the shortcut it works perfectly, butwhen I do so at any of the XP machines it fails, giving the error: MMC cannot open the file C:WINDOWSsystem32dfrg.msc This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This also may be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file.What happens if you create a new.MSC file for Defragmenter, by running'MMC /a', adding the Disk Defragmenter Snap-In and saving that?Is it possible that the local dfrg.msc files are being copied from theserver?
SBS is likely to be running MMC v3, XP only has MMC v2, so if the.MSC file has been updated from the server, you would expect to get'.later version of MMC' errors.-Steve Foster SBS MVP-MVPs do not work for Microsoft. Please reply only to the newsgroups.Jim Behning SBS MVP29.01.08 15:35.
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What I do is right click desktop and choose new shortcut. In thewhitebox I type dfrg.msc and next. I type dfrg.msc at the next pageand I am done. If you can type dfrg.msc in the run box and it worksthere is no need to do anything else when you make a shortcut.Are you saying when you type dfrg.msc in the run box it does not run?If so then you need to focus on that. I make shortcuts often enoughwhere all I type in the shortcut is the name of the msc. If I missedthe question it would not be the first time.On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 14:25:34 +0000, Stroller wrote:Stroller29.01.08 19:13. Hi, Steve.Thanks for your help.Steve Foster SBS MVP wrote.When I'm at the server and click on the shortcut it works perfectly, butwhen I do so at any of the XP machines it fails, giving the error: MMC cannot open the file C:WINDOWSsystem32dfrg.msc This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC.
This also may be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file. What happens if you create a new.MSC file for Defragmenter, by running 'MMC /a', adding the Disk Defragmenter Snap-In and saving that?That works perfectly. It took some fiddling around with the view options toget my new view of Disk Defragmenter to look just like the standard one,but now it is so.I'm still somewhat confused as to the cause of this glitch, but I think Inow have a slightly better idea of what.mmc files are now, and the wholeconcept of that console, so at least I've learned something.;) Is it possible that the local dfrg.msc files are being copied from the server? SBS is likely to be running MMC v3, XP only has MMC v2, so if the.MSC file has been updated from the server, you would expect to get '.later version of MMC' errors.I don't see how. I can't think of any opportunity for them to be copiedacross from the server. The only files that are shared from there are theusual soft of documentsy stuff.Right-clicking on the problem dfrg.msc and choosing properties does not (ofcourse!) show any version information.Many thanks for this suggestion. Non conventional energy sources gd rai ebook. It kinda bugs me not knowing why this hasmanifested itself - does it indicate that the rest of my systems are justabout to fall apart completely?;) - but now I can click on my desktopdefrag shortcut and it works.Stroller.VanguardLH29.01.08 23:07.
'Stroller' wrote in mmc.exe. Use File - Add Snap-In. Then click Add to see if theWindows Defragmenter is listed - or some other defrag utility. Maybeyou installed Diskeeper Lite which usurps the MMC registry entry andthen uninstalled it but it didn't correctly reinstate the originalvalue.Do you know if all the users have sufficient permissions on thedfrg.msc file? Are they admin-level users (even if in a domain theymight have to be special 'admin' users but only for their own host andnowhere else)? You are a full administrator on your own host but areTHEY also admin-level users on their own hosts (when logged under yourdomain)?keith.uk11.06.08 16:53.