Ppf O Matic Patch Xbox 360

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Ppf O Matic Patch Xbox 360

I originally posted this:But seeing as though the post date for that is 4 weeks ago, I thought it was time to update.If I got anything wrong, please let me know. I’m a human and I make mistakes.UPDATES:. Don't forget that if you put a AP2.5 game in a LT+ firmware, and it fails a challenge, then you must remove the game within 3 minutes, otherwise you will be logged and banned.Credits to for updates.Q: What which version of the 360 does the LT+ flash work on?A: Xbox 360 FAT(original)Q: Which drives does the LT+ flash work on?A: Benq, Liteon (74850, 84850 v1 & v2, 94850)Q: What about the Xbox 360 Slim?A: That is being worked on. 9504 will be first and 0225 second.

Ppf O Matic Patch Xbox 360

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There is no ETA.Q: What about the Hitachi or Samsung drive?A: Maybe - There is no AP25 on older Hitachi Drives (46/47) but there may be AP25 checks on the newer Hitachi drives (58/78/79). Samsung is reported not to have AP25 BUT some users have had issues booting AP25 games (we have found that some consoles have been repaired / refurbed with a Samsung drive by MS Official repair centers when the console was originally a Liteon - this could be causing issues - to those guys we suggest trying a Liteon drive - it may solve your problems - do this at your own risk we are simply giving the best advice possible) - so LT+ for these drives may be looked at after the Slim is done.Q: Can I spoof a Benq or Liteon to be Hitachi or Samsung?A: Yes. But spoofing can be detected by XBL. If you are banned or not using or don't care about Live then yes you can spoof.Q: Can I spoof a Benq or Liteon to a 360 Slim if I have the Slim's DVD Key?A: Yes. But spoofing can be detected by XBL. If you are banned or not using or don't care about Live then yes you can spoof.Q: Why do I need LT+?A: AP25 does not let you play certain backup games without updating your 360 to the latest dashboard(12611). This new dashboard can then use AP25 to perform a number of new checks which stops AP25 games from booting and will flag your Xbox 360 for a ban on the next ban wave.

If you update your dashboard and flash LT+ you can then use patched AP25 games and boot no problems and use XBL with no ban flag.Q: Do I update straight to LT+ or do I need to change my fw version first?A: You can update to LT+ straight away from any firmware version.Q: Do I need to update to LT+ before updating to the new Dashboard?A: No, you can update to the new dashboard at anytime - just don't put a backup of an AP25 game unless you have LT+ firmware flashed to your drive as you will be flagged for a ban.Q: What happens if I play on Xbox Live with LT+? Will I get banned?A: LT+ is designed to protect you, HOWEVER there is always a chance of getting banned. Microsoft may find a way to see that you’re playing backup games on your 360, but LT+ is solid and no one has been banned since the original LT firmware.Q: How can I patch and burn my AP25 games?A: Simply use ABGX360 v1.04 to patch your ISO then burn with IMGBURN. Simple.Q: How do I know if a game has AP25?A: ABGX 1.04 will tell you There is one game that does not show as having AP25 and that is Fable III - but it DOES have it so much be patched.Q: I have a different country version of a region free but the AP25 patch won't work.A: You have to use the same release as the patch is made for - this is why the group name is attached to the game. The XEX CRC's need to match. If it is region free it will work for you so just get that release. If you have a game like Fable III Spanish version then a separate AP25 patch is required and you would have to wait and see if that was ever released.


Ppf O Matic Patch Xbox 360 Download

At time of writing there is no public method on creating your own AP25 data for patches.Q: People are telling me to use PPF-O-Matic v3 to patch games. Why aren't you?A: That was the first method released. ABGX360 1.04 now does it all for you if there is a patch available for your release. It does not do any harm to use PPF-O-MATIC method first - in fact it is a good way to check in ABGX if you have patched correctly.Q: Can I patch an AP25 game to work on NON-LT+ fw?A: No.

Do not ever put an AP25 backup game in a DVD drive UNLESS it has LT+ flashed to the DVD.Q: I have seen a 3rd party patch for the LT+ from a guy called Maximus that enables the drive key to be read on 83850v2 and 93450 without having to do the MRA hack again - is this OK to use?A: No - even though this patch works, it is garbage. There is a reason that particular patch was removed by C4E - it CAN be detected. It's C4E's firmware, you rely on what he says - not other people. ANY modified LT+ firmware will never be supported and can never be trusted. At the end of the day, if you flashed your drive you should save your drive key. If you didn't save it then that's your fault.Special thanks to HerpsherpDerp on TeamXecuter for this.